Safety Net funding requests will be considered in the following categories:
- Winter clothing
- Emergency medical/insurance
- Commencement support for graduating seniors
- Technology Repairs
- Emergency travel/bereavement
- Books and academic supplies
- Yale College Ensembles: Glee Club, Symphony Orchestra, Yale Bands
- Other requests
Please see detailed category descriptions below. Make a funding request by reading through the Safety Net guide and filling out the submission form found on the bottom of the linked page. Direct any questions to the Safety Net team.
Note: Funding is not guaranteed.
Winter Clothing
Winter coat, boots, hat, gloves
Not covered:
Winter sports gear/accessories
- The Winter Clothing Grant is a one-time grant. Once a student receives the grant, they are ineligible for additional grant funds during their time at Yale.
- Available to 1st and 2nd year students. Exceptions for 3rd and 4th year students can be considered if the family faced a significant financial change during this time and the student was ineligible during their 1stand 2nd year.
- Category open October 1st through January 31st each year.
- Yale does not require receipts or proof the funds were spent on winter clothing.
Funding Amount:
- The grant is $400 and payable through the Student Account.
What if my winter coat was stolen, ruined in storage, or I have outgrown my winter clothing since receiving the grant?
- This is a one time only grant. Students who received the grant are ineligible to receive additional funding in this category. Safety Net also does not cover losses that should be covered by insurance.
Do I have to provide receipts showing what I bought?
- No Safety Net does not require documentation or receipts for this grant. Students will receive the $400 funding and can use their discretion to purchase necessary items for winter months in New Haven.
My winter clothing needs exceed $400, can I get more money?
- The grant is for $400 only. The intention of the funds is to ensure high need students have a winter coat, boots, gloves and a hat. If you need additional clothing, we suggest you explore thrift shops, sales opportunities, and Amazon to secure the best lower cost options to meet your needs. You can also meet with your Personal Financial Aid Counselor to discuss student employment and loan options.
Emergency medical/insurance
Necessary medical related expenses such as dental procedures (not routine care), inpatient and outpatient treatments, medical equipment related to gender transition, prescription glasses, copays exceeding $30 and other services not covered in full by insurance.
Not covered (not exhaustive):
- Non-essential medical or dental treatments
- Routine dental cleanings and X-rays
- Glasses and Contacts in the same year
- Daily use contacts unless required by prescription (a letter from the eye doctor will be required)
- Copays after insurance coverage of less than $30
- Expenses incurred outside of the New Haven area, unless the student is traveling on a sponsored Yale event or is referred due to a specialist not available within the New Haven area (documentation re
- Expenses incurred during winter break or summer break
- Expenses for non-enrolled students
- Treatments that are considered cosmetic and not medically necessary
- Out of network providers when in-network providers for services are available
- Each student may qualify for a maximum of $5,000 in medical support during their undergraduate years at Yale.
- Vision coverage limits
- Safety Net will cover up to $150 for eyeglass frames
- Safety Net will only cover basic lenses (any special coatings, transition effects, etc will be at the expense of the student)
- Safety Net will cover biweekly or monthly contact lenses
- Safety Net will not cover both glasses and contacts within a 12-month period
- Contacts will be limited to a 6-month supply for seniors making requests after December of their senior year.
- Safety Net does require receipts and/or treatment estimates for approval.
Funding Amount:
- Up to $5,000 per student during their time at Yale. Funding will be paid directly to the provider if the student has not paid, if the student has paid, the funding will be provided through the student account.
Will Safety Net cover my monthly medication?
- If the co-pay for the medication exceeds $30, Safety Net will cover it. If you require monthly medication, we recommend incorporating this expense into your budget. You can learn more about budgeting on the financial literacy website. The Poorvu Center also holds budgeting workshops.
Can I pick my own provider for treatment?
- Yes, Safety Net does not select, or require specific providers be used. Ultimately, we believe the student should pick a provider that they are comfortable with and who will address their medical needs. However, we do have established relationships with New Haven Dental and Warby Parker to make paying for services easier on our students.
I had an emergency at home over the summer, will Safety Net cover the expenses?
- Safety Net does not cover expenses incurred outside of New Haven or for events that occur during winter break or summer break.
I was on a Spring Break trip and got sick, can I submit my receipts for reimbursement?
- Safety Net only covers medical expenses incurred while traveling when the student is at a Yale sponsored event.
I used up my medical allowance and now have additional expenses, will Safety Net still cover them?
- Once a student reaches their $5000 maximum allowance for medical funding, no other funding is available. However, you can speak to your Personal Financial Aid Counselor about possible loan options.
Will Safety Net cover the cost of travel associated with receiving treatment?
- If you are referred to a provider that is not accessible by Yale transport, Safety Net can consider the costs of travel expenses. An example would be a specialist located in a nearby city without an office in New Haven.
Will Safety Net cover the full bill I send in?
- Safety Net will cover medical expenses after insurance is exhausted and up to the $5,000 maximum allowance. If the bill has not been submitted to insurance, Safety Net will require that it be processed by insurance first before considering for funding.
It doesn’t look like insurance paid any of my bill, now what?
- Some providers, such as ambulance services, need to receive the insurance information from the student to process a claim. Any questions about claims can be addressed first to the membership services center of your insurance provider. If the provider did not submit the claim to insurance, that will need to be done first. If the provider is not covered by insurance, the bill can be submitted for consideration.
Commencement support for graduating seniors
Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, Yale will be able to provide some commencement travel support for families of 2025 graduates. Details, including qualifying criteria, will be released later in the academic year and all eligible students will be notified via email.
Technology Repairs
What’s Covered:
Screen damage; liquid spills, keyboard damage, hardware damage (including the battery)
Not covered (not exhaustive):
- New technology
- Phone repairs
- Software updates
- Data recovery
- Theft or loss that should be covered by insurance
- Safety Net will not be approved for purchasing an upgrade for an existing device.
- Safety Net will not approve repair costs that exceed the purchase of a new device.
- All students should utilize available cloud storage provided for free by the University to back up their data. Data recovery will not be covered by Safety Net.
- Students can find cloud storage instructions here.
- Safety Net offers a maximum of $1000 for computer repairs during their time at Yale College while completing their undergraduate studies.
- Students are responsible for expenses exceeding $1,000
- Students must make every effort to protect their technology from liquid damage or other damages. We encourage students to protect their devices with protective accessories.
- Due to the prevalence of liquid damage to technological devices, Safety Net will support no more than one liquid damage. Even if the cost of liquid damage is not up to $1000, which is the maximum any student can be offered for computer repair, Safety Net will only support ONE liquid damage repair throughout a student’s undergraduate education.
- All Yale College students are eligible for laptop loaners, for up to a year, through the Student Technology Collaborative (STC).
- Students do not need to be approved by Safety Net to be eligible for a laptop loaner and can contact STC directly to make a request
Funding Amount:
- Up to $1000 throughout a student’s time at Yale *
*Liquid damages will only be covered one time up to $500.
My phone broke, can Safety Net cover a replacement?
- Safety Net does not cover the cost of new technology. Only repairs of existing devices are covered through Safety Net.
My computer has a crack and repair costs just as much to purchase a new computer. Can Safety Net pay for a new computer instead?
- Safety Net does not cover the replacement cost of irreparable devices.
What technological devices will Safety Net cover
- Safety Net will cover the cost of repair for existing technological devices, up to $1,000 throughout a student’s undergraduate education.
Does Safety Net cover replacement technology
- Safety Net does not cover the replacement cost of irreparable devices.
I had a previous repair but my computer broke again. The previous request was $400, and my 2ndrequest cost $700
- Student will be responsible for $100 out of pocket (because the lifetime maximum allowed has been reached)
What types of technological repairs can be covered
- Safety Net will cover screen damages, broken pieces and components, and liquid damage (can only be covered once). Data recovery, software updates, and lost or misplaced items will be covered.
My computer repair costs $1200, how much will Safety Net cover?
- Safety Net will cover the cost of repair for existing technological devices, up to $1,000 throughout a student’s undergraduate education. Student is responsible for $200 out of pocket
How many times can I request computer repair
- While there are no limits to requests, students can only receive up to $1,000 throughout their undergraduate studies.
My computer has a liquid spill, can I submit a request to Safety Net?
- Safety Net will cover liquid damages once for up to $500
I lost all my data and they need to be retrieved. Will Safety Net pay for data retrieval?
- Data retrieval is highly cost-prohibitive and will not be covered by Safety Net. Make sure that all data are stored on the free cloud storage provided by Yale.
Emergency travel/bereavement
Travel due to unexpected family emergency such as the loss or extreme illness of an immediate family member.
Not covered:
Non-emergency travel expenses such as travel during break periods, requests to bring family members to campus, travel related to graduate school interviews or professional development opportunities.
- Immediate family is defined as parent, guardian, stepparent, grandparent, step grandparent, sibling, stepsibling, spouse or child.
- Yale will cover the most economical means of travel
- Yale does require receipts or estimates of planned travel
- Student will need to coordinate with their Dean or Head of College regarding absences from class, etc.
Funding Amount:
- Dependent upon cost of travel
Will Safety Net cover the cost for me to attend the funeral of a close friend or family member who is not a relation identified above?
- Safety Net only covers bereavement travel for family members identified above.
Do I have to provide receipts showing what I bought?
- If you do not have the upfront funds for emergency travel, Safety Net will coordinate with your Residential College to get travel paid for, once approved. If you paid for the travel, receipts are required for reimbursement. If travel was approved, reimbursement will be provided through the student account.
I need help covering the cost of getting to a graduate school interview, or have an opportunity to attend a professional development conference, will Safety Net cover these costs?
- Safety Net does not cover these types of expenses. However, you may qualify for funding through Career Services. Please contact them at or visit their website at: Undergraduates – Office of Career Strategy – Yale University.
Books and academic supplies
Required books for classes, digital codes, art supplies, academic materials, student course packs.
- Student is responsible for the first $500 of books and academic supplies each semester, per the financial aid cost of attendance
- Laptops, software, and other technology related resources are not considered books and academic supplies
- Safety Net will only cover required course materials that exceed $500 and reserves the right to request copies of a syllabus to confirm required vs. recommended materials.
Funding Amount:
- Amount of costs more than $500 per semester
I must pay for a digital code for my class, will Safety Net cover this?
- Safety Net only covers costs exceeding $500 per semester. If the digital code is above the $500, Safety Net will cover it.
Do I have to provide receipts showing what I bought?
- Safety Net does require receipts, screenshots of expenses, and copies of syllabi listing required course materials.
My class requires safety equipment. Will Safety Net cover these costs?
- Required safety equipment is considered course materials and will be covered if the student’s total expenses exceed $500 per semester.
My course materials cost $600 this semester, will Safety Net cover the full $600?
- Safety Net covers expenses exceeding the $500 allowance per semester included in the cost of attendance. In this case, Safety Net would reimburse the student $100 for the amount exceeding $500.
I have always been able to use free resources for my coursework, and this year I have to buy a book that costs $200, will Safety Net cover the book?
- Since the book is under the $500 allowance per semester included in the cost of attendance, Safety Net will not cover it. If you do not have funds available, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with your Personal Financial Aid Counselor to discuss loan options.
Yale College Ensembles
NOTE: Funding for this category is only available during specific projects. When an event qualifies for Safety Net funding, it will be announced through the Ensemble.
For use with:
- Glee Club
- Symphony Orchestra
- Yale Bands
- Requests within this category take longer to process. You can check the status of your request at any time.
- Funding requests are considered for those students who have exhausted all other reasonable financing options before applying for funds in this category.
- The student’s financial situation must strongly support this request.
- Student portion of a tour’s costs, additional food or lodging associated with participating with tours
- Purchasing specialized and required concert attire
- Renting instruments to perform in ensemble
- Purchasing instrumental accoutrements (reeds, valve oil, rosin, strings, sticks)
- Costs to take fee-for-service lessons through the School of Music, when not eligible for lessons-for-credit
- Purchase of music or other materials required for music lessons
- Social dues, costs for field trips, or other ensemble group activities that constitute “full participation” in the ensemble
Not covered:
- Costs to deviate from ensemble tours for personal reasons, costs to ship personal instrument, insurance costs associated with personal instrument
- Attire that is common clothing (black shirt, black pants), concert attire that is optional when common clothing is an option
- Renting instruments to be used outside of eligible ensembles
- Mutes, bows, or any other items that can be borrowed from the ensembles
- Costs for fee-for-service lessons for students who are eligible for lessons-for-credit
- Food or supplies for meetings, parties or social events outside of social dues
- Materials that would become the property of the student or costs that are eligible to be covered through other funding sources
Other requests
Requests that do not fit into designated categories.
Not covered:
Non-essential, non-emergency items. Requests for categories that a student missed the deadline and the category is closed.
- Safety Net will consider “other” requests on a case-by-case basis
Funding Amount:
- Dependent upon request
My roommate moved out and I need to cover rent, will Safety Net cover this expense?
- Safety Net does not cover rent, moving expenses, deposits, or other associated expenses with off-campus living. Students receive funding through their financial aid package equivalent to the cost of on-campus living to cover off-campus expenses. If additional funding is needed, the student should schedule an appointment with their Personal Financial Aid Counselor to discuss loan options.
My things were ruined in storage this summer, will Safety Net cover it?
- Safety Net does not cover losses that should be covered by insurance. It is encouraged that students carry insurance for summer storage, and renters insurance for when living at college.
I had some things stolen/damaged in the Residential College.
- Safety Net does not cover losses that should be covered by insurance. It is encouraged that students carry insurance for summer storage, and renters insurance for when living at college.
I have an approved accommodation through SAS, will Safety Net cover the accommodation?
- Students with approved accommodations, such as need of a refrigerator, air conditioner, etc. should work with their SAS representative to discuss existing options to provide equipment for high-need students. SAS will work with Safety Net to confirm eligibility and if needed, provide the resource.
I missed a deadline for the winter clothing grant or other funding option, will Safety Net still cover?
- Unfortunately, deadlines for grant funding are firm. These deadlines are tied to other deadlines across campus. It is the student’s responsibility to apply for funding within the timeframes outlined in communications and on the website.