Tools and Applications

It can be a lot to manage your personal finances while also managing the day-to-day life of being a student. Luckily, there are online tools available to make this more doable.  

We have compiled some tools to help you budget, save, and just generally keep your finances organized. Below, you’ll find  all-encompassing third-party tools that allow you to design and keep tabs on a budget, such as Mint and Tiller Money. We also included some Yale resources that can help you approach finances, budgeting, and employment.  

Nobody expects you to keep all of your finances inside your head — let some of the tools below take care of the hard work for you.


Tools and Application Resources

Topics: Budgeting; Saving; Spending | Featured Resource

Mint brings together everything from balances and bills to your credit score and more. It’s your financial life, in one place that’s easy to understand. It’s free and easy to get started, and we connect to almost every US financial institution connected to the internet. In just minutes, you’ll see where your money is going and get ideas on how to stretch it farther.

Topics: Spending | Featured Resource

Are you looking to give back to the Yale community that has given so much to you? There are many ways to give to Yale. You can learn more about it and give now!

Topics: Spending | Featured Resource

Is charity important to you? Are you looking for a good cause to donate to? Follow these steps to informed giving, so you can donate to a good cause.

Topics: Budgeting

The sheet was created with three goals in mind: that it be easy to use; that it focuses on a daily budget that supports long term goals, instead of a long term budget that doesn't have daily support; that it be a good starting place for people who have never saved before.

Topics: Earning; Employment

Looking for a student job? Click here to find the right student job for you! Many students

Topics: Budgeting; Earning; Emergencies; Employment; Financial Aid; Grants, Fellowships, and Awards; Investing; Loans; Saving; Spending; Student Loans; Taxes

Looking to get some money for summer travel? Cant figure out how to fill out that annoying financial doc? Or just looking for some pro tips on financial wellness? We have you covered. This page is full of amazing resources, curated and written by folks who's primary interest is your financial well being. Click on any of the campus resources below to learn more

Topics: Budgeting; Earning; Loans; Saving

This multi-page guide will provide suggestions made by peers for how to approach your finances so that you can minimize your stress and maximize your academic success.

Topics: Budgeting; Earning; Saving

Keep your financial life on course. Easily track your money over time, always know what’s safe to spend, and confidently plan for the future with spreadsheets automated by Tiller Money.

Topics: Earning; Employment; Taxes

The Yale Student Employment Office (SEO) provides assistance to both students and employers in meeting their employment needs. SEO provides free job posting and on-line application services to the campus and local community.

Topics: Grants, Fellowships, and Awards

Find support for research, study abroad, public service, unpaid internships, and self-designed projects, in New Haven and around the globe. Postgraduate fellowships support independent projects, graduate study, and much more.

Topics: Budgeting; Saving; Spending

Are you looking for a quick way to keep track of your monthly spending? Budgeting is important, and this calculator makes it easier to keep track of your expenses and allows you to set monthly saving goals.

Topics: Earning; Employment

Yale Career Link offers a centralized place to view career resources and find opportunities.