Yale College Safety Net

Safety Net Summer 2024 Schedule

Safety Net is closed for new requests and will reopen in September, 2024. Please contact the Safety Net team with any questions.


Safety Net is supported by endowed funds designed to assist currently enrolled, high need students with emergency expenses that fall outside of the Student Share. High need is defined as students with a Parent Share less than $10,000. Some grant funds are only available to students with a $0 Parent Share. While an unexpected expense can often seem like an emergency, Safety Net will only fund events similar too:

  • Unexpected and urgent medical expenses including: emergency tooth extraction, replacing broken glasses, emergency room visit, ambulance services, and co-pays in excess of $30, to a maximum of $5,000 during your time at Yale.
  • Unexpected and urgent trip home due to the death or critical illness of an immediate family member (defined as parent, step-parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, sibling, step-sibling, spouse, or child)
  • Repairs due to unexpected damage to technology required for school. Safety Net does not cover the replacement of technology or the request for new technology.
  • Books, supplies, and coursework materials exceeding $500 during an academic semester

Please note that if this is an emergency requiring immediate funding (within 24 hours), be sure to check the box at the top of the Safety Net request form.

A Few Safety Net Notes

  • In 2023–2024, more than 1,000 requests were funded, increasing our funding percentage to over 60%
  • An additional 389, 0 parent share, first year students received an automatic Winter Clothing Grant in the fall through Safety Net funding
  • More than 85% of requests are resolved in less than 5 business days
  • some require more time or additional information from the student
  • Student requests unable to be funded will be directed to their Personal Financial Aid Counselor to discuss loan options
  • Students do not need to go through Safety Net to request loaner equipment
  • Safety Net is not for planned events such as spring break, graduation expenses, summer storage, or off-campus living expenses

Funding Request Categories

Requests will be considered in the following categories, but please note that funding is not guaranteed:

  • Winter clothing - preferential consideration for:
    • Requests considered: October through January
    • High-need students unfamiliar with winter weather
    • First and Second year students
    • Students who were ineligible to receive a start-up grant
  • Emergency medical/insurance
    • Beyond insurance coverage
    • For high-need students only
  • Commencement support for graduating seniors

    NOTE: This category closes Thursday, April 11, at noon. Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, Yale is able to provide commencement travel support to the families of graduating seniors and seniors who are walking in Spring 2024 Commencement who have a zero parent share. To determine if you qualify, please log into Yale Hub, and check your most recent financial aid letter for the 23/24 academic year. Parent Share is listed on page 2 under the section titled “Expected Family Contribution and Options to Pay Net Cost”. All eligible students will receive an email the week of March 26th outlining the total value of travel support eligibility. The email will also provide funding application instructions. If you do not receive an email by April 1st, but believe you are eligible for this support, please email undergrad.fa@yale.edu. The deadline to apply for aid is Thursday, April 11th.

  • Technology
    • Requests for the purchase of new technology will be denied
    • Most requests are met with loaner equipment or assistance with repair
    • Upgrades to cell phones or replacement laptops are unlikely to be considered
    • The maximum loan length for equipment is a full academic year
  • Emergency travel/bereavement
    • OPT (Optional Practical Training) costs are ineligible
    • Requests to bring family for graduation cannot be considered
  • Books and academic supplies
    • For high-need students only
  • Yale College Ensembles: Glee Club, Symphony Orchestra, Yale Bands
    • Costs associated with activities and/or travel that constitute “full participation” in ensembles
    • Costs associated with instruments and equipment that allow for full participation in ensembles
    • Costs associated with fee-for-service lessons and materials
  • Other
    • Non-essential, non-emergency items cannot be considered
    • Top-ups to the International Study Award (ISA) or the Summer Experience Award (SEA) cannot be considered

Please see this reference for expanded descriptions of each Safety Net funding request category.

Make a Funding Request

If you are unexpectedly experiencing financial hardship, you may be eligible for emergency funding support from Yale College.  We encourage you to research all of your options before requesting support through this portal.

To find answers to your Safety Net questions, visit the FAQ. To be considered for support, please submit an application below.

Once you have submitted an application, you will receive an email with a unique link to your submission.

We will review your request and provide a response via email within 5 business days. Please note that funding is not guaranteed.  Each request is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Safety Net Summer 2024 Schedule

Safety Net is closed for new requests and will reopen in September, 2024. Please contact the Safety Net team with any questions.